Express price war? In the end, where is the key point to win?

Express business online is the express industry competition "Pandora's box", the express industry network dimension competition gradually opened the curtain.

express delivery industry is to visit the client by the salesman, then evaluate the goods of the e-commerce customer, then calculate the cost, agree on the service express fee, and finally pick up and deliver the goods at home.

From the perspective of the express delivery industry, the competition in the express delivery industry has shifted from network density competition, transit time-sensitive competition, and facility intelligence competition to online competition in the business field.

According to the prediction of "Quantum Consulting", the future express delivery industry will be divided according to the service product generation nodes, picking up, transferring and dispatching, each generating three types of sharing platform economy. The future express oligarch will inevitably be the carrier of online delivery, picking up and transferring links in the supply chain, while the end is the world of post station, storage, front warehouse, timing and third-party delivery.

express delivery industry want to move from a leader to an oligarch, not only do they have a market share of more than 25%, but they should also pick up, transfer and dispatch, each producing a complex of three types of platform express delivery.

The following three types of technology price war modes are shared.

Post-face payment mode

network company pays the salesman after opening the authorized face order, binds the salesman's personal Alipay, and pays after the electronic face order. It means that the salesman realizes the function of obtaining the electronic waybill number in advance by authorizing the third-party payment platform (Alipay) to obtain the secret payment/automatic deduction. The face order fee will initiate deduction after obtaining the payment, and the deducted amount will be directly credited to the headquarters account. The network can maintain the unit price for individual and all salesmen, and the price difference can be settled to the current balance account of the network in real time.

maintenance quotation support outlets maintain quotations for all and individual salespeople/agreement customers, and the difference profit will be settled to the outlets in the form of balance recharge on the same day.

When the salesman advances the order number, in order to ensure the normal operation of the existing sheet top-up business, the network can set the advance quantity, and automatically suspend the salesman's order number withholding service when the number of orders issued by the salesman is equal to the advance quantity.

post-payment electronic face sheet inventory, the virtual electronic face sheet inventory of the network, the maximum value is zero, the negative state does not deduct the same-day balance of the network, mainly for the electronic face sheet after-payment business single number bookkeeping.

Post-payment orders, except on the last day of the end of the month, the post-payment inventory value of the outlets is quantitatively settled every day. When the number of paid orders under the post-payment transaction mode of the outlets meets the conditions, the material system will automatically generate an order type of post-payment order (each box has a specification of 123,000) for the outlets according to the highest price of the purchase order at the outlets, which is used to offset the negative value of the electronic post-payment (withholding) inventory of the outlets, the delivery time of thermal paper will follow the requirements of warehouses in various places.

Comments: The post-payment mode directly enables the salesmen of the network company to carry out online chain cost management, simplifying the distribution management of the network company's face list, deducting the payment according to the form in real time for settlement, receiving the difference of the face list in real time, reducing the financial manual recharge, the network face list does not need domestic goods, the balance of the network face list is urgent, the salesmen can still make the form, reducing the cost and increasing the efficiency of the network.

also enhances the business-first concept in business development.

generation substitution model

In the express delivery industry, the marketing department of the head office signs a pick-up agreement with the enterprise to set the agreement price and the business model of pick-up. The pick-up business is to place orders through the interface to the express company system, and then the express company system automatically issues the order to the pick-up network to which the address belongs.

will then generate an order operation reminder on the front page of the express company's system to generate an order collection unit. The customer's business will be settled by the head office. The collection company shall not charge any fees to the customer, shall not use the payment bill, and shall not support the payment settlement.

on behalf of the goods is automatically issued by the express company system according to the address to the affiliated company system. Each affiliated company must assign the order to the salesman, and the salesman will complete the order receiving. For system orders before the specified time on the same day, the goods will be picked up on the same day. For system orders after the specified time on the same day, the goods will be picked up by the customer the next day at the latest.

For packages that are not retrieved within 48 hours from the successful receipt of the order, the collection failure must be handled except for customer reasons.

comment: The pick-up mode is a replacement mode for enterprises. It can be said that it can open up the enterprise logistics and refine the end business for the enterprise supply chain, allowing the production end and the sales end to integrate into an integrated network through express delivery. The business market of the pick-up mode is very large. For example, Xiaomi and Huawei have a demand for 100 million-level business replacement. At the same time, they build a physical express network for virtual express delivery in the express delivery industry.

Online shipping mode

Cainiao Wrapping is the most representative online delivery mode. Its main functions are express delivery inquiry, code scanning and checking, one-click search for nearby couriers, free collection of online shopping packages, full tracking of packages, automatic reminder to the site, and easy operation for picking up goods. At the same time, the post station also provides convenient delivery service.

comment: The logistics details page of online delivery mode is simple and clear in design, and the logistics status is displayed with a progress bar, which is more intuitive. Some functions will be displayed according to the package logistics status. If the express has signed for it, the functions of "I want to return the goods" and "contact the courier" will be automatically displayed. The page style, vision and other experiences are better.

online delivery mode is the future pick-up mode of the express industry, although the express industry is becoming more and more giant, but the research and development of the business side of the express industry still lags behind the research and development of transit equipment.


express delivery industry has shifted from offline to online, from transit competition to online business competition. Online business competition is based on a networked closed loop to generate a competitive dimension, and online is used to directly bypass human concerns. To connect with e-commerce customers, it is simply understood that online transparent business ports are opened one-way, directly skipping traditional business development models, and amplifying the level of market competition.

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(Reprinted: Logistics Information)