Honor Moment: Witness 2019 China's Smart Logistics Dreamer!

May13, it was sponsored by China Transportation Association and hosted by China Transportation Association Intelligent Logistics Professional Committee."2019China Smart Logisticswill"opened ceremoniously in Shanghai.


conference was welcomed by Chu Feiyue, Vice President of China Transportation Association and former Director of the Equipment Supervision Department of the State Railway Administration, and the former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, the 11th**Association,**Economist, Statehospital**Counselor, 9th and 10th**Association appointed Yuling, and Yang Xiaoxi, deputy director of Shanghai Transportation Committee, delivered speeches respectively.


Zhang Weiwei, Secretary General of Smart Logistics Professional Committee of China Transportation Association


Speech by Chu Feiyue, Vice President of China Transportation Association and Former Director of Equipment Supervision Department of State Railway Administration


Ministry of Commerce, 11th**Association


**Economist, Statehospital**Counselor, 9th and 10th**Association

2019China Smart Logistics Conference**, more than 1,000 representatives from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Commerce, the Shanghai Municipal Government, and the Changsha Municipal Government, as well as experts, enterprises and media in various fields of the logistics industry.winding"meltinnovationnewexhibitionSharing Smart Logisticsgeneration"conference conducted in-depth discussions and experience exchanges on core content such as improving the level of logistics intelligence, promoting the integrated development of the Internet and the logistics industry, and co-creating the construction of a smart logistics system.


well-known enterprises in various fields of smart logistics, such as Cainiao Network, Transfar Logistics, Zhongtong Yuncang, Sinotrans, Haier Technology, Zhongchu Zhiyun, and Sinotruk Group, gathered at a grand gathering, and published new insights and ideas on smart logistics from all dimensions.



as an intelligent logistics information service field**representative, China Wutong Network was invited to participate in this grand meeting. At the conference, the founder of China Wutong NetworkandCEOJia Xinhe published the theme report of "Intelligent Logistics Platform Helps Logistics Enterprise Informatization, Intelligent Transformation and Upgrading", from the perspective of how logistics companies implement intelligent and information transformation to innovate logistics service models, a detailed analysis of intelligent logistics The future development direction and strategy of the platform.


is committed to promoting the informatization and intelligent development of the logistics industry and helping logistics enterprises to realize the transformation and upgrading of informatization and intelligence. China wutong has been deeply engaged in the field of intelligent logistics for more than ten years.from**, with the mission of breaking the information asymmetry in the logistics industry, the logistics enterprise networkmove**network, to help logistics enterprises to achieve business information, to fully empower logistics enterprises as the vision, through."Business network","Control transparency","Automatic service","","facility intelligence", logistics collection security management and control services for logistics enterprises to provide information, intelligent upgrading of the overall solution.




the intelligent logistics ecosystem built by China Wutong Network, it has continuously improved, innovated and upgraded in the intelligent reform of the logistics industry, and served the vast number of logistics enterprises. It has made remarkable achievements and has been generally recognized by competent departments, industry experts and users.


China WutongnetworkCEOJia Xinriver(LeftVI)and logistics related departments took photos.


conference site

as China Smart Logisticsindustry**influential event, this conferenceYes2019**enterprises and entrepreneurs were commended. Ji Rongwon"2018Smart Logistics Innovationaward","Reform and Opening-upaward","Reform and Opening-upaward"and other honors, at this conference,China Wutong Net Rongwon"2019Outstanding Smart Logistics Enterprise of the Yearindustry"Award, Founder of China WutongandCEOJia Xinhe Rongwon"2019Outstanding Smart Logistics of the Year"Award, another two heavyweight honorsreputation!

China WutongnetworkCEOJia Xinhe Rongwon"2019Outstanding Smart Logistics of the Year"



China Wutong Net Rongwon"2019Outstanding Smart Logistics Enterprise of the Yearindustry"



honor to witness achievements, dream to forge ahead. For more than ten years, China's Wutong Network has been working hard to run and dream forward. From promoting the informatization upgrade of the logistics industry to building a smart logistics ecosystem, the informatization and smart upgrade plan for logistics enterprises built by China's Wutong Network is becoming more and more perfect and mature.


looking forward to the future, China Wutong.com will continue to go deep into the field of smart logistics, continue to explore and innovate, help more logistics companies increase revenue and reduce expenditure, reduce costs and increase efficiency, realize informatization and intelligent transformation and upgrading, and promote the intelligent process of China's logistics industry Contributequantity!

Author: Wutong